Futuregraphics: Basic concepts of foresight work explain what megatrends, trends, weak signals and wild cards mean.
Last days I have been making some infographics about future. I call them futuregraphics. In these futuregraphics I list megatrends, consumer trends and technology trends. All of these are based on my books. I also clarify different concepts of foresight work.
I hope that you enjoy these futuregraphics!
You can download these futuregraphs in pdf form (better resolution) in my webpage.
Futuregraphics: Environmental Scanning Wheel (ESW). ESW is a tool for helping you to scan trends and weak signals. You can also use it for scenario work.
Futuregraphics: Two step process of making scenarios.
Futuregraphics: Ten megatrends for 2020's
Futuregraphics: 18 consumer trend. These trends are from my book about future of consumer needs.
Futuregraphics: Technology trends. Source for these trends is my and my husband’s book: Technolife 2035. Naturally the list is updated.
Futuregraphics about weak signals. I am expertised in weak signals. I did my PhD thesis about them.
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